Wednesday, March 24, 2010's been a while

Life got busy, what can I say.  :-P

Again, I must say that I had no idea that being a stay-at-home, homeschooling, part-time photographer mom would be such a busy life.  However, I am loving every minute (ok, let's be honest...not every minute...but most of them).

Wow, so much has happened since my last blog.  I'll give you the short:

Thanksgiving - we ate a lot and had a great time.

Christmas - we ate a lot, got lots of presents, and had a great time.

New Years - I'm sure we ate a lot... and some other stuff.

Sorry, I really just don't remember enough to give a great blog on how life changing each of these events were.  However, speaking of life changing... there is something that happened around New Years that has indeed proved to be life changing.  We are HAVING A BABY!!!!  Somewhere around September 24th we will be adding a third bundle of joy to the mix.  I am hoping girl, Joel seems to hope for boy... it should be fun.  I should find out somewhere around the middle of April whether we will be thinking blue or pink.  :-P

Well, my hubby is home and my life must get busy again...

Hopefully, I will get back to blog soon.

Until then...

1 comment:

Matt Harmless said...

Life does get busy.

It is probably a good sign that when your life gets busy... blogging is the thing that gets dropped.

Important life lessons... Blogging is never a good priority, unless it is your livelihood.