Wednesday, November 4, 2009

I am still here!

I am still around.  Really, there just hasn't been much to blog on lately.  To catch you up:

The van is officially down for the count.  It needs yet another fuel pump (this is the 3rd one in a year).  We are saving up money to fix it.  Until then, we are down to the car.  I am thankful that I am a stay-at-home mommy or that would have been a true disaster.

Emmelyn is doing beautifully in homeschool.  We keep switching up the schedule to keep her interested (and me, too!).

I actually played through an entire Xbox 360 game with my husband and had a blast.  We played through Borderlands.  It was a pretty neat game and a great way to actually spend some quality time together.  Joel has now started on another game, but it is single player...  :(

I have taken some time to actually catch up on my favorite tv shows.  Lame, I know, but I really enjoy them.  I watched all of season 4 and half of season 5 of lost online.  I was bummed that they did not have season 5 episodes 10-16 available and I had to settle for reading a synopsis of each episode.  I swear that story just gets more convoluted with each new episode.  Somehow I still find myself eager to know what happens next.

My own schoolwork is moving along just fine.  I am still in the blasted Literature class and am currently reading a book that I find very lacking.  I hope to finish it sometime today.  I only have one book and one paper left for this class.  I am also in a math class.  It has been a while since I have had to do this type of math.  It has been an interesting experience dusting off that side of my brain.  I am getting the material just not as quickly as I feel like I should.  I am really good with math.  I could easily do trig, calc, and of course simple algebra.  However, it seems it has been too long since I did it all and I am having to relearn simple stuff, such as the rule to simplifing square roots.  I will do just fine, it is just taking a little longer than I would like.

Ok, well I am outta here to work on some Math, read a book, and homeschool Emm.  I guess I should probably clean some house, too.  I will leave you with some pictures from halloween...the kids had a blast and we will be eating candy for months (see picture below...we only went to 6 places...insane).

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