Friday, October 16, 2009


So, I keep waiting for life to slow down so I can write something inspiring.  As of today... I give up.  I should know by now that life never slows down, but I am loving every minute of it.  As for inspiring... not likely because life is hectic and I am tired.

We have had a house with sick people this week.  Thankfully, William and I seemed to have missed that bus.  However, Joel is still not 100% but Emmelyn is back to bouncing off the walls and being certain that she is fine (I think this has something to do with going to the grandparents house tonight  lol).  The overprotective mom inside me wants to keep her home for observations...the fun mom in me knows she will be just fine 5 minutes down the road (literally...the grandparents only live 5 minutes away.)  There was no school this week...the house is a wreck...and mom is exhausted!  But, I was glad to be able to serve my family even if I did have to sneak in to the bedroom and pray for extra patience and strength.  :-P

My time has also been consumed by some dear friends that are in town for most of the month.  I would not have it any other way!  I am very sad that they will be leaving Tuesday, but looking forward to getting see them more often now that they are closer.  I know that I will experience extreme withdrawals and extreme boredom when they leave!  However, before they woosh away, I get to get my camera on their cute little man.  He is going to be a blast to take pics of because he is so stinkin' cute and all smiles.  As of now, I am planning for Monday evening and I am super excited.  It is fun taking pictures any time...but there is something special about taking pictures of someone I love so much.  :)

What else...  well, the cell phone store that Joel is setting up is going to open somewhere around the 26th...we hope.  It is all getting a little scary... it's is exciting but stressful as we attempt to get all of this together.  I know that it is what God wants from us and we are diving in head first.

on a side note... Pajamas are a beautiful thing and I cannot wait to snuggle in to mine with a good cup of coffee and good friends tonight.  Yes... I will put my PJs on while I have company and there is not a dang thing that anyone can do about it...

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