Thursday, August 20, 2009

Time for an update...

Wow, life has gotten crazy busy all of a sudden...again. It's funny how being a stay-at-home mommy has been NOTHING like I thought it would be. Of course, I recognize that my life is not typical of the average person. However, I find myself continually telling my friends - I promise we will get together, I promise... I just have to find the time. I'm sitting here and wondering how in the world I ever worked a 40 hour/week, 10 hour commute/week JOB. I must say, while I do actually miss some of those I worked with, I can't say that I miss the actual job itself. Despite my insanely busy schedule, I find my stress levels are massively reduced. There is also A LOT less drama in my life!!! I am extremely grateful for this.

Homeschooling is going beautifully. However, I find that it feels too much like a classroom and I'm not sure how to break out of this. I went with mostly already made curriculum to ensure that Emmelyn was getting the education that she needed; however, it seems to be a lot of sit at your desk kind of stuff. She does thoroughly enjoy Bible, she gets to roam around the room, jump on the bed, whatever she wants to as long as she is interacting with me, answering my questions and seems to be focusing on the topic at hand. I have a busy body daughter... I recognize this and realize that for some insanely strange reason - she learns better when she is moving around. So, I've also morphed Spelling into a moving game. She gets to move around the room and we play hang-man. It seems to be working she can spell all 8 of her spelling words with no help at all from me, and I didn't go easy on her. I personally think that a 1st grader that can spell "after", "any", "night", "yellow", "blue", "again", and a few others from memory with no problem is doing super well. She does seem to be struggling in reading. Not that she can't read, she is doing beautifully. She just doesn't want to sit still. I've learned that whatever subject I feel is most important for the day should come early. After moving through a few things...she burns out. I'm figuring it out though...slowly.

On another note, I have started reading a great new book titled "The Power of a Praying Wife." Now, I know it has been out for a long time, but for some reason I came across it and felt like I should read it (thanks Brent and Amanda for giving this as a gift). I am really enjoying this book. I'm only on chapter 4 and I can already feel a difference in myself and my marriage. My marriage has already been transforming over the past year, in big ways, but I guess the biggest change that I'm seeing lately is in myself. By taking the pressure off Joel to fulfill needs that only God can has allowed him to blossom in all kinds of ways. There are no expectations and so everything is icing on the cake.

Well, now that I have rambled on and on without little to no cohesive thought processes... I'm going to go work out.

and just a house update for any that are interested - my living room and bedroom have managed to stay mostly as the day I super worked on them... I've had no time to tackle new rooms this week because of starting homeschooling, shots for William, finals for me, etc... The plan is start anew on Monday with a room a day until the house is in tip top shape! go torture myself for the good of my health...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hang in there! I know what you mean about the 'too classroom-like' feel to homeschooling. We've experienced that already! I have a book that litterly SAVED my children and they do not even know it. I'll let you have it when you come on Monday. Another HS mom/friend of mine gave it to me and it has greatly blessed my life!