Monday, July 12, 2010

aaaah, feels so good

OK, so it was almost a year ago (August 14th, actually) when I set out to change my ways as far as my messy out of control house went.  I am proud to say that it was a complete and total success!  I cannot begin to describe the crazy good feeling that comes from looking around and knowing where I came from to where I am today.  Many of you will not get this, many of you will not understand.  However, as silly as it may sound, getting that part of my life under control has led to other parts falling in order. God has done a total change in me and I am forever grateful.  What is even better is when I see my family enjoy what I have done for them.  Now, there is still painting and decorating to do, but it will happen as money, time, and body allows.

Now, on to another topic.... BABY!!  We are growing ever closer to the big day and I cannot wait.  I am 29weeks 3 days.  I have officially hit what I so loving refer to as Baby Burnout.  My body hurts!  I get teary eyed thinking that I have to endure for 74 days but then I smile because I get to meet my sweet little girl in 74 days (and most likely before then).  I had Emmelyn 2 weeks early, and William 3 weeks and 2 days early.  I am holding out hope that this little one will be ready a tad early too.  However, I don't want to bank on that because I will be disappointed when she decides to hang on for a week past my due date. 

I have officially begun nesting for the little one.  All of her clothes, cloth diapers, etc have been washed (smelled) and lovingly put away.  Her diaper bag is packed for the hospital, yes I am aware that it is a bit early... oh well.  I have found myself scrubbing walls...literally.  I am resisting the urge to install the car seat... and to unpack and repack her bag...  oh how fun it is!

I had another ultra sound on Friday.  It was a pleasant surprise because it was unscheduled but the tech was in and the doctor suggested that I go ahead and get scanned.  The baby is growing beautifully, actually measuring a week bigger, but that is still within normal.  She kept opening her mouth and putting her hands next to her face.  There was one thing that was made certain by the ultrasound... this beautiful baby has her daddy's nose!  :-P   I believe that this little one will actually look different from her siblings, I am excited to find out. 

I have been getting many questions about names, so I am not sure if I have posted it here... but just in case I haven't - Yes, we have settled on a name.  We are going to name this precious little one Izabella Danielle Wynn.  Her daddy is very particular about names and I was super excited that we both settled on a name that we both really liked. 

Now... I just have to survive the next 2 months...  :)

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