Sunday, September 13, 2009

A Day full of Mixed Emotions

Today was an emotional roller coaster.

Church was wonderful, followed by an awesome dinner at the in-laws (Jack and Robin). Robin is a heck of a cook and it is always awesome to eat tasty food that I did not have to cook myself. So that was happy.

Next, we had a business meeting with Jack where it has officially been established that he will be opening a cell phone store based on this new buzzirk mobile phone service (if you are looking for a great business opportunity to make some great money...or just even an unlimited, and I mean TRULY unlimited mobile service - including mobile, txt, and internet- for $79.95 just hit me up with an email). (LOL..sorry... my blog will NOT turn in to an advertisement - I assure you.) Jack is officially opening a store and wants to hire Joel to run it. So, we jumped in and it looks like Joel will only be working for the world of wally 2 more weeks. At which time, he will manage a cell phone store - we are super excited. What is even more exciting is that his salary is being matched penny for penny and then there are commissions on top of all of that. Therefore, not only is he not losing money, but also there is potential to make more. Joel is so excited to have the chance to do something he will actually enjoy. He loves technology and loves the idea of being out from under... well...idiots (with the exception of a few solid people that have been his supervisors). So- this was happy.

Next, I grabbed my camera and headed to an awesome photo shoot. You can read about that here. We had a really great time. I especially loved that they each had a cowboy/girl hat and they had two dogs with them. It was a neat experience and after doing a quick scan of the shots captured, it may prove to be a complete success - let us hope that Allman and Emily agree. So - this was happy.

Next, we decided to make a quick stop to get a few groceries before heading to pick up the kiddos. We ran in, quickly selected our items and honestly just had a great time enjoying each other's company. We do not get a lot of uninterrupted times (ahem..We have kids who like to talk and wiggle). So - this was happy.

Next, we load up the groceries, jump in, and attempt to crank the van. Yes, you read that right - ATTEMPT. The stupid blue hunk of junk refused to start up. Now, we know this van is not the greatest, it has eaten many of our hard-earned dollars, but really? Why now? We just finished paying off the thing in July. It is quite a bummer that it is failing us now. While we were climbing in the car, my dad happened to call just to chat (which is becoming a pleasant regular occurrence these days). I was chatting with him when Joel discovered that the hunk of junk was being mean. Fortunately, and a little eerily coincidental, my dad and Linda happened to be driving by Wal-Mart at that exact moment on the way back from Hendersonville (or so they say… perhaps they have begun to stalk us…). So, he pulled in and tried to take a quick assessment (to no avail) of the hunk of junk's disposition. Looks like our pocketbooks are going to have to visit a least to find out what is wrong. We hitched a ride (along with all of our groceries, photography equipment, Sunday school materials, and laptop) back to our house. So - the breaking down of the van was not happy...time with my dad and Linda, well that was a treat. We actually laughed quite a bit on the way back (mostly laughter over my dad's inability to correctly pronounce many of the words in the English language - he has now decided that he is going to write a dictionary that will contain how words SHOULD be spelled.. pneumonia will now be newmoanya.)

So, I am bummed about the van... but I am experiencing something a bit weird (sadly enough). I have a complete and total peace about the situation and I know confidently that God will provide. I am not sure exactly how that is going to happen (in the form of money to help pay expenses, a mechanic who works for cheap, or perhaps the van's repairs are something minor) but, I know that my God will supply for all my needs. After all, he makes sure that the animals, flowers, etc are taken care of - I cannot doubt that he will take care of me.

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