Saturday, August 22, 2009

Another day

Today went by so crazy fast, it seems my days do that lately. This one was rather nice and filled with family and adult interaction (something that doesn't happen often in my world - lol). I got a lot of "work" (editing wedding pics) done but I still have QUITE a bit to do. My hopes of getting them done this weekend are dwindling, but we shall see!

So, I have very little that is blog worthy tonight. I feel like writing a really good thought provoking post but not sure where that will come from - lol!

Anyway, I'm excited to be almost half-way through my 30 day workout challenge. It actually is getting easier but I'm starting to worry that I will never see a change. I have not stepped on a scale since I started... but I'm afraid that if I were to step on that I would see no change or even gain. I don't even feel a difference in my clothing yet, but I keep telling myself that I will. I know that I need to make some adjustments to my diet but the problem with that is that eating healthy is expensive! LOL Right now, I can't afford to diet, how sad is that. I have cut down on my Pepsi drinking and drinking a lot more water. I need to cut down on Pepsi all together and once the 2 liter in the fridge is gone - I'm not drinking it anymore. I can always tell a difference in my energy level and even my skin when I drink only water. I really actually like water - a lot. It is really the only liquid that truly quenches my thirst, so why do I keep going back to my Pepsi? Anyone have any answers? It's not for the caffeine - I drink a cup of coffee every morning. I just have to break out of the habit. I've got to do something. I'm so unhappy with the way my body looks and the way I feel most of the time. I know that the way I feel is completely and totally linked to my self-image. I know that God calls us to take care of what he has given us and I know that I'm only doing harm to myself when I don't do what God asks. I also recognize, for the first time, that getting healthy is a lifestyle change. It is not a binge thing that happens for a couple months and you hit this magical number and can go back to shoving down the yummy greasy cheeseburgers and fries. I get that. I also recognize this time around that this isn't something that happens overnight. I fully expect to take a year or even more to get somewhere the I'm happy. But, that fear of stepping on the scale in 17 days and seeing no change is real! It's silly - I'm not even there yet and I'm afraid. I guess I know myself and if there is no change I will wonder why bother and give up. I really do not want to give up! I have got to start thinking more positively about this! I will see a difference. I will see a difference. I will see a difference. I would be happy if my fat jeans would get baggier... I really would! LOL

OK, so I'm off to spend a bit of time with my hubby before crashing for the night and SLEEPING IN in the morning. That's right, the kids are away and the parents are going to sleep (boy, you know you are getting old when you get excited about sleeping past 7....)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Congrats on being 1/2 way through your 30 day plan! That is awesome!You accomplish your goal, I just know it!