Monday, August 31, 2009

AAAh... Mondays

I woke up this morning bright eyed and busy tailed about 1 1/2 ago.  I hopped up determined to have a productive day that I can be satisfied with when it is time to hit the pillow.  Well.. so far, not so good.

First things first... I got my morning coffee brewing...visited the little girls room ...and decided that I would first tackle lesson planning.  I've yet to successfully plan for a week at a time.  I usually get a couple days done before I'm assaulted by the children and have to put it away for later, but this time I am determined to get at least a week done at a time.  So, I get my first stack of books when my husband announces that he is going to take the freedom of his day off of work and go lounge in the bath tub and read.  I know that Joel is always busy and rarely gets any real time for himself so I happily agree...knowing that it will slow me down a bit..but it's my hubby and I love him. 

Next, I get my second stack of books on my bed before Emmelyn needs help because she wants to play her jumpstart educational game.  I get her set up, and return to actually put my second stack of books on the bed.  Then William's world ends (or so you would think by the high shrill cry that comes from his room).  You wouldn't believe it...but he TV wasn't on in his room.  Can you believe that?!  So after a firm discussion on the appropriate way to ask for help... I turn on madagascar...praying this will keep him occupied long enough for daddy to get a bath and mommy to get some lesson plans done.

So, I get my last bag and the laptop on the bed.  I decide to go ahead and get my cup of coffee.  I sit down, pull out state standards...When I hear...


I hear this many times a day.  I call out "Ok, just a minute...let me at least get the laptop turned on..."


I jump up now... a lot quicker than I had intended running and yelling "WILLIAM!  NO!  LEAVE YOUR DIAPER ON!  I'LL CHANGE YOU!"  I had every intention of changing William's diaper... I just wanted to be sure he had finished ALL his business first.  Apparently, I was not moving fast enough for him.  I'm still not sure at what point what point William figured out how to get his pants off...but he has.

I'll save you the gross details, but it's safe to say there was a lot of it, it was everywhere, and William kept saying "Mama, Mama, eeeeeeeeewwwwww". It's Monday.

(btw, I've yet to plan the first day...)


Anonymous said...

Oh my. *chuckle* If it makes you feel any better, you've helped me out a lot 'cause my Monday doesn't seem nearly so bad now!

Isn't Mommyhood the best place in the whole world to be? Even with the snafu's it's still pretty awesome if you sit back and think about it. Which you may actually find time to do next week if your lucky and by then you'll have forgoten what it was you where supposed to be thinking about!!

Tiffany said...


Yes, I love Mommyhood... it is an adventure! I wouldn't have my life any different... well, I think I would have a maid..but everything else can stay the same. :-P