Thursday, August 5, 2010

Pregnancy Burn Out

Oh my how quickly we forget the woes of being very very pregnant.  My husband finds it amusing as I waddle around the house and my daughter quacks at me frequently.  I have to admit, it is pretty funny.  It is always fascinating to me the difference between pregnancies, even in the aches and pains.  This time my biggest complaints are my aching hips and HEARTBURN!!!  I sure hope that there is some truth to crazy heartburn means lots of hair for the baby.  :-P

However, when I get bogged down with the complaints, I take a minute and feel her and it all seems to melt away.  I remember all of those people out there that have tried so hard to get to experience this wonderful time of pregnancy and for whatever reason they couldn't, or perhaps they experienced it and then lost their little one.  I am grateful that God has blessed me with this season in life even if simple tasks cause me to feel like I just ran a marathon.  :)

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