Saturday, September 5, 2009

Good morning, world!

Do you ever get that feeling that you are suffocating under the pressures of responsibility? I am so there today. My house looks awesome, though. The only rooms left for makeover are my room (the catch-all room as I cleaned the rest of the house) and the back hallway where the dryer is (it's in desperate need of the new floor being put down...and less clothes on top of it). However, I am super excited about the rest of the house.

However, with that intense day of cleaning came another day of pushing off my own schoolwork and now it is on top of me. I also have to teach tomorrow morning and I need to look it all over again (it has been a while since I originally did). I want to stay home all day and get all of this accomplished but we have a children's fair at the church and since I am currently the assistant Sunday school teacher for the children, I need to at least make an appearance. If William were not so young - I would take the laptop and read from there. The book I have to read for Lit class is online and therefore I have to read it on the computer. It is bad on the eyes and hard to do - I am considering printing it (I am such a tightwad with the ink...). I still need to read two chapters in my programming class and answer questions for it... AAAAAAH! I also need to actually get this CD of Wedding pics in the mail - I had to wait until I could afford the postage (how sad, huh?).

….For some reason, even with everything I need to be doing...I am here...putting it off again.

I suppose I should get to it...

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